MaAsLin 3

The Huttenhower Lab > MaAsLin 3
MaAsLin 3

MaAsLin3 is an R package for efficiently determining multivariable associations between clinical metadata and microbial meta-omics features. Relative to MaAsLin 2, MaAsLin 3 introduces the ability to quantify and test for both abundance and prevalence associations while accounting for compositionality. By incorporating generalized linear models, MaAsLin 3 accomodates most modern epidemiological study designs including cross-sectional and longitudinal studies.

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William A. Nickols, Jacob T. Nearing, Kelsey N. Thompson, Curtis Huttenhower MaAsLin 3: Refining and extending generalized multivariate linear models for meta-omic association discovery. (In progress)

HMP2 summary plot
Major updates in version 3.0
  • Modeling both abundance and prevalence (presence/absence) associations
  • Accounting for compositionality with spike-ins, total abundance scaling, or a median comparison technique
  • Expanding modeling options with generalized formula parsing
  • Extending inference with contrast tests for ordered predictors and ANOVA-style tests for differences among groups
  • R software
  • R CRAN packages: dplyr, pbapply, lmerTest, parallel, lme4, optparse, logging, data.table, multcomp, ggplot2, RColorBrewer, patchwork, scales, rlang, hash, matrixStats, tibble, ggnewscale, kableExtra

MaAsLin3 is an R package that can be run as a function within R or from the command line. It is available through GitHub with the package devtoools.

Installing MaAsLin3

To install MaAsLin 3, run the following commands in R:
